In this thought-provoking episode, Eric Sammons touches on the historical and theological journey that explains the indifference that plagues our Church. This discussion is based on his book Deadly Indifference: How the Church Lost Its Mission and How We Can Reclaim It published by Sophia Institute Press. Eric Sammons is a husband, father (of seven), […]
078: How a Loving God Uses Suffering to Perfect Us with Paul Chaloux
In this inspiring episode, Dr. Paul Chaloux shares his personal testimony and his amazing book Why People Suffer: How a Loving God Uses Suffering to Perfect Us. Paul earned a PhD in moral theology and currently teaches theology as an adjunct professor at the Catholic University of America and serves as a catechist at St. Agnes […]
049: How to Find Spiritual Healing as an Adult Child of Divorce with Anne DeSantis
Are you or someone you know an adult child of divorced parents? Divorce can cause numerous wounds to all involved. Sometimes others try minimize the damage caused by divorce by saying things like, “Children are resilient. They’ll be ok.” But the truth is, as I’ve learned from first-hand experience, is that divorce ALWAYS hurts. No […]
021: The Way of the Cross – A Meditation from Divine Intimacy #194
Download this episode Hello my dear Catholic Servants! I was meditating on a passage from Divine Intimacy, a fabulous book by Fr. Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen, OCD. It’s a book of meditations on the interior life for every day of the liturgical calendar. If you practice meditation on a regular basis and need an […]