Father Nathan Cromly is a soul on fire to help raise up Christians to lead their families, their Church, and their world and, as he said in this episode, “fight the good fight, to sharpen their swords and swing them because at this moment in time, souls are going to their peril because there is […]
Month: October 2019
045: The Devil in the City of Angels with Jesse Romero
Jesse Romero wrote an amazing book called The Devil in the City of Angels, and in this interview, he brings to light some of the overt workings of the evil one. His book chronicles his experiences with the diabolical, gives insights into the ways the enemy gains entry into souls, and practical advice to help […]
044: The Art of Leading Souls to Christ Through Public Speaking with Diane Carr
Diane Carr has the unique gift of teaching others how to communicate in a way that leads souls to Christ. She shares valuable insights for all evangelists who share their testimonies to honor and glorify God for the New Evangelization. Diane shares some of her experiences and struggles sharing her faith story through public speaking […]
043: The Beauty and Grace of Consecration to Jesus Through Mary with Anna Nuzzo
Anna Nuzzo shares her inspiring story of how, after consecrating herself to Jesus through Mary with Father Michael Gaitley’s book 33 Days to Morning Glory , our Blessed Mother led her to use her angelic voice and musical prowess to reach souls all around the world. Anna is an acclaimed Int’l Catholic Recording Artist, Singer and […]