018: How to Create a World in Which God’s Word is Resolutely Proclaimed & Willingly Embraced with Mary Flores

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Mary Flores brings to the Culture of Life Studies Program over 20 years of experience in community education, outreach, and activism, as well as her experience as a homeschooling mother of six. Her passion for helping students understand the value of every human being comes from her own personal journey and is rooted in her Catholic faith. After living on both coasts and in the Midwest, Mary and her children recently moved back to the Midwest to care for her elderly parents.

What is the Culture of Life Studies Program?

“The Culture of Life Studies Program provides Catholic, pro-life home and classroom materials, resources, and trainings to educators, schools, and dioceses equipping them to help younger generations bring an end to abortion and other threats against human beings, preserve the sanctity of marriage, and restore the kingdom of heaven on earth.

Our vision is to create a world in which God’s word is resolutely proclaimed and willingly embraced; the institutions of sacramental marriage and family are protected and fostered; and all human life is treated with respect, dignity, and love from the moment of creation until death.”

CLSP materials teach preschoolers – 12th grade students

  • Why a human being is precious from the very first moment of his creation

  • Why we should treat others with respect and dignity

  • How to articulate the pro-life message

  • How to stand up for vulnerable people without exception and without compromise


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Email: mflores@CultureofLifeStudies.com

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