019: Open Letter to Catholics Who Face Persecution

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Here’s a short open letter to those persecuted for their Catholic Faith. 

My dear brothers and sisters who suffer persecution for being faithful Catholics,

I’m reaching-out to let you know that God is with you and you are not alone.  We suffer from all forms of hatred from name-calling, to blatant lies being spread about our character.  Many around the world suffer physical persecution such as torture.  Then there is psychological persecution with discrimination that includes – loss of job opportunities, workplace or social media bullying, having your website or social media profile shut-down.  Then we have the spiritual attacks on you and your loved ones.  Our Lady warned us about the attack on the family.  Then there’s political and cultural persecution, particularly for the pro-life community making gains in saving the lives of the most vulnerable.

But the type of persecution that tends to linger is alienation or ridicule from our children, our spouses, our mothers, or fathers, for speaking the Truth as God requires of us, for courageously living our Catholic faith and casting a divide between ourselves and the pop culture.  NO, we won’t just go with the flow.  We were made for battle in the way our Lady and her Beloved Son have taught us.  As it’s been said, “preach the Gospel at all times.  Use words if necessary.”  By the way, St. Francis didn’t really say that.  And if you do need to use words, remember 1 Corinthians 13:1 “If I speak in human and angelic tongues* but do not have love, I am a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal.”  Speaking with love, that’s the hard part, but most necessary.  We all know, even the gentlest and loving telling of Truth can incite hatred, so grab your Rosary and shield yourself in humility so our Lady will be quick to guard and guide your precious soul.

Also, remember that there’s an eternal congregation of Saints and Angels battling this good fight with efficacious prayers from Heaven.  Continue with Faith, Hope, Love, and with a heart that’s guarded yet fully open and lifted-up to the Lord.  You are not forgotten, your suffering offered to the Lord will not be in vain, and your Love will resound throughout eternity.  Sending love and hugs…

Let us pray…

Heavenly Father,

You know the exhaustion of my body and the pain in my heart.  Lord, you know many times I fail and feel overwhelmed with being persecuted for my Catholic faith.  Help me to find rest in you and to renew my heart with deeper compassion, love, and patience for those who call me their enemy.  Send me the grace to find peace in the calling you have for me at this time and to always remember that my biggest defense is the shield of Humility.  Please help me to see that I am enough, even in my brokenness, to be your instrument of Peace and Justice.  We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle…

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus… Have Mercy on Us.

Our Lady of Sorrows… Pray for us.

Saint Joseph… Pray for us.

Saint Thomas More… Pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul… Pray for us.

Saint Joan of Arc… Pray for us.

Saint Jose Sanchez del Rio… Pray for us.

Our guardian angels… Watch over us

In the name of the Father…

My dearest Catholic Servants, please don’t hesitate to let me know your special intentions so we can pray for you during our next family Rosary.  My email address is Alexandra@thecatholicservant.com. Share it with someone who may need encouragement.  May God bless you!

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