014: A Story of God’s Mercy and Miraculous Redemption with Stephanie Brofford

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Stephanie Brofford, born and raised near Columbus, Ohio, moved to Albuquerque, Mexico in 2003. She has two beautiful children, ages 16 and 6. She has been passionately involved in the pro-life movement since 2016, serving as a sidewalk advocate outside of the local abortion clinics throughout Albuquerque, also facilitating and linking post-abortive women to healing services in their local areas, as well as serving as both a Mentor and the Community Resource Coordinator for Alongside Ministries located in Albuquerque. This is a ministry that helps come alongside new moms, or moms-to-be, and to work in a mentoring relationship with single women who have made a choice for life for their unborn children.

In this inspiring episode, Stephanie opens her heart and courageously shares one of the most painful events in her life, aborting her first child.  She describes how this event caused her to spiral into addiction, but with God’s unexpected mercy and love, her heart miraculously converted and was instantly freed from chemical dependency.  

Stephanie’s willingness to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit has led her to be a loving witness to God’s mercy on the sidewalk and save the lives of women and the unborn alike.

How to reach Stephanie:

Sidewalk Outreach Website


Freedom for Her on Facebook


Sidewalk Outreach Encounters on Facebook


Additional Resources:

Alongside Ministries


CareNet Pregnancy Centers of Albuquerque


Ramah International Abortion Recovery Resources


Stephanie’s tips on how to open dialogue with a pro-abortion advocate, ask:

  • If the unborn in the woman’s womb is growing, doesn’t that mean that he or she is living and alive?
  • If the parents are human, doesn’t that make the unborn growing, living being also a human?
  • If living human beings like you and me are valuable and have dignity and respect, doesn’t that mean that the unborn living human being in the mother’s womb is also worthy of dignity and respect?


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